Hey Canada, this is Jack, Daniel, Amiel and Nathan G,
Today we went to the market and there were tonnes of people. It's not like a market you see back home. There were some crazy fruits and vegetables we've never seen before. Jack bought a 3L pop for 48 Lempiras ($2 USD). Anthony bought a fish and some cheese to make a fish and cheese omelette. Nathan and Ian got matching wallets, how cute. We were actually there to buy fruit and vegetables for supper and for the rest of the week.
For the rest of the day we went to Balibrea to deliver supplies and run a VBS program with the local kids. We played parachute games, soccer, musical chairs, did crafts, bible story of the parable of the lost coin, and had chicken, tortilla, potatoes, and rice for lunch. And some juice that tasted like Sunny D. There was a cute stray puppy that the we weren't supposed to touch, but a bunch of people carried it around anyway and wanted to adopt it. We gave the kids our blazing "Love One Another" t-shirts, toys, dolls, and skipping ropes. They were very grateful for our support and helping them financially with their church roof. It made us feel pretty good, no actually it was amazing.
Back at our school, we cleaned the grounds to get ready for the week of VBS that starts tomorrow, including the gutters of some big building. Then we had a legendary machete fight with the Honduran machetes we bought yesterday. Don't worry, no one was injured... badly. The girls didn't participate. We also played a dope game of volleyball, put together a dope trampoline, and then had some dope bucket showers.
Nathan had 3 nose bleeds in 24 hours (new record), but he's okay now.
Okay, Pastor Bob is making us go to bed now. Buenas Noches!
Wish we were there. Continue the good work. Praying for all.
ReplyDeleteContinue the good work. Praying for everyone.